
Our linktree is a comprehensive repository of resources meticulously curated to address diverse aspects of community well-being. Financial support seekers can navigate through, discovering potential benefits and assistance eligibility criteria. Housing and rent assistance is available for eligible households in Darke, Greene, Preble, and Montgomery Counties, ensuring stable living conditions for residents. The Employment section not only offers tools for crafting winning resumes but also guides individuals toward legitimate work-at-home opportunities, fostering economic empowerment. Our Adulting 101 Guide and budgeting system provide practical life skills, while those navigating disability or neurodivergence can access guides for parents of autistic kids and resources for applying for disability benefits. The Holistic Health & Herbalism section enriches our offerings with home remedies, permaculture courses, and indigenous plant knowledge. Prioritizing resources for BIPOC individuals, we provide information on black therapists, educational decolonization guides, and initiatives like the Ohio Native Land Initiative.

The Education section spans diverse topics, from learning about birth control to decolonization practices, offering free books, online courses (including coding and cybersecurity), and fostering a culture of continuous learning. Our commitment to LGBTQ+ support is evident in the inclusion of affirming therapists, resources for hormone replacement therapy, and harm reduction initiatives. In the realm of harm reduction, we provide information on requesting free masks, syringe exchange programs, and substance abuse treatment resources. Mental health resources cover a spectrum, from virtual peer support to art therapy locators. Our Reproductive Health section includes trustworthy abortion clinic locators and funding resources. Our linktree is a vibrant tapestry of empowerment, providing nuanced, detailed information to uplift the Fairborn community in its journey toward equity, diversity, and inclusivity. Explore the richness within these resources, connecting with the support and knowledge necessary for personal and collective growth.

Visit our linktree and see our resources!